Tree of Life – Revelations 22:1-2 & Revelation 2:7

Tree of life was first mentioned in the book of Genesis but Adam did not eat  from this tree .

Jesus was hanged on a tree so as to give eternal life to all saints. One of his mission is to give life and life more abundantly. Jesus wants us to eat from the tree of life so that the journey of life might be made easy, sweet and sickness free.

Many of us still hang on our family genetic tree of sickness and diseases. It is time for us to taste and see that the Lord is good. Tree of life is within our reach. Let us get connected to it remain in him, abide in him and we shall bring forth fruits of the spirits in Jesus name. Pray this prayer points.

  1. The tree of life gives covering, rest, warms I receive these in Jesus name.
  2. I will not eat any wild uncultivated tree. Tree of sickness/disease, tree of death.(Rom 11;24)
  3. I eat the fruit of life and I become Instruments to produce joy. Exodus 15:2.(Acts 5;30 )
  4. Let the fruit of life proceed continually from me to others(.Prov 15;4,13;2.3;18.11;30)
  5. . I will continually bear good fruits and not bad fruits in Jesus name.(Mat 7;17-19)
  6.  As the days of a tree shall be my days. I will live long,will not die untimely in Jesus name(Iisaiah 65;22)
  7. My tree will continually be fresh and green. Not dry. I refuse dryness in Jesus name. (Luke 23:31)
  8. Wash me cleanse me so I can have right into the tree of life in Jesus name.( Revelations 22:14)
  9. I will flourish like the palm tree in the name of Jesus.(Psalm 92;12)
  10. I am a beautiful tree, my health is beautiful, and my organs are beautiful in Jesus name.
  11. My  rod will continually  blossom in Jesus name. I am a  Fruitful tree (Num 17;8)
  12. Oh lord do not take away my part from the tree of life in Jesus name.(Rev 22;19)
  13. All evil tree connected to me and my children where sickness is oozing out towards me be cut down to the root in Jesus name.
  14. All satanic and unfavorable altars in the entire tree in my village, outside my village working against me,I  pull down such wicked altars in Jesus name.
  15. No evil rod of sickness/disease will strike me, my children or members of my household in Jesus name.
  16. I break all evil rod the enemies is using to beat me, my husband and my children in the name of Jesus.( Isaiah 14:29)