by Pastor Margaret

  1. Let there be wave of surprise, miracles and healing right now all over the world, in this church in the name of Jesus.
  2. Blanket protection of country, community, family roll upon the earth in a surprise measure in the name of Jesus.
  3. Let there be Surprise removal of Delta variants and other sickness and disease from the earth by the power in the blood of Jesus in Jesus name.
  4. Let there be surprise touch on every Complication and the power of God maintain peace, homeostasis in our body, soul, and spirit in Jesus name.
  5. Vaccinate us with heavenly anointing that prevents sickness and disease from reaching us in Jesus name.
  6. Cover us with healing, prevention, immunity, no evil sickness/disease will spread towards us in Jesus name
  7. We and our family will not be victim or casualty of deadly sickness/disease in Jesus name.
  8. I and my family will not receive evil surprise from heaven, and hell will not unleash his deadly evil upon me and my family in Jesus name. (1 Samuel 3:11)
  9. Heavenly supernatural good thought good ways be released in my life and my family now is Jesus name. (Isaiah 8:8-9)
  10. Oh Lord, let your mighty hand come against every evil sickness/disease that would rob us of the great land you have given us in the name of Jesus. (Exodus 6:1-8)
  11. Do something new concerning our health, we are expecting to receive great deliverance visit us with pleasant surprise in Jesus name. (Acts 3:5, Isaiah 43:19)
  12. Let us be surprise vessels for your work and not be a disappointment unto you Oh Lord in Jesus name. (Isaiah 59:16)
  13. Surprise strength, surprise faith, surprise results, surprise visitation upon us and our household from the trinity is our portion this season in Jesus name. (Luke 5:4-9)
  14. No surprise death, tragedy, complications, deterioration will visit me and my family in Jesus name.
  15. Sudden surprise change in our spiritual lives, our children’s lives let it happen today in Jesus name
  16. We wake up in awe of your unfailing love.
  17. Suffering end. Testimony, wonders, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, happen in Jesus name.
  18. When you surprisingly appear in the air let me and my household be there in Jesus name.